So last year my
amazing friend Amanda sent me The Pioneer Woman Cooks. A cookbook we'd been waiting anxiously for... but of course I was in Korea and had no way of getting it, or getting it signed for that matter. And it bummed me out hard core. I have
always wanted to meet The Pioneer Woman and this time around I got my chance!
She was in Denver today at a cute little bookshop called Tattered Cover. I truthfully had no idea how many people would be there waiting, and honestly I didn't really feel like taking my own sweet time and finding out the hard way... so we got there bright and early when the bookshop opened at 9. Keep in mind Ree wouldn't be gettin' there until 2! But we brought our homework, and books and all that jazz so we figured we'd be occupied.
And oh was I ...
This greeted me at the top of the stairs!
The hallway everyone waited in, I was 5th in line!
And the desk she would later be signing on...yes I realize I'm a freak. Get over it.
Where we'll all be sitting soon!
Two of my sitting mates! Dia and Ashley two fantastically fun ladies from Texas! The drove all the way up for the signing and were 1 and 2 in line :)
In other words... My kind of people.
The rest of the crew!
Next to me was Katie and her mom Betsy and then Hailey, and ya'll remember Dia and Ashley from before :)
We had quite the time waiting for 4 hours to get our tickets and it was a blast!
We contemplated meeting at the Lodge (Ree's place) unexpectedly, discussed the creepiest things Ree has had said to her during a signing, and if there are any super over obsessive fans.
To which Ashley said in her lovely southern drawl
"Well it's not like I'd ever hurt her or anything"
Dia and her mass quantities of books
gotta make sure she'll sign my name right!
yes, I did check her website while I was waiting in line to see her
yes, I realize how ridiculous this is
yes, I'm getting help.
In the room with my #5 ticket! woot woot!
I don't know how many women came up to me and told me what a fantastic, sweet, awesome, man I had I couldn't agree more!
I hit up the second row aisle seat.. wanted to get the best picture opportunities
Daughter spotting!!! It was at this point that I started hyperventilating.. as did every other woman in the room
Her daughters and niece were so cute, and her sis in law Missy was gorgeous! So much fun to actually see the people you read about!
The woman of the hour!!! Ahhh so much fun to hear the question an answer time!
She was absolutely fantastic
Of course the first thing I asked was if I could give her a big ole hug... she obliged and told me how much she loved hugs... I was happy to fulfill her hugging needs of the day.
Me being geeky and giving her some knitted wash clothes I made for her. She seemed to like 'em.
Love, Love, Love her!
It was so amazing to meet this woman!
The only problem was the after effect.
Ya know how on Christmas kids get themselves so excited and worked up and then once the present are opened there is a huge let down??
Yeah I was that five year old and meeting Ree was my gift.
I couldn't believe how quickly it all ended!
So to heal my aching heart and mood we just had to hit up
Yes, it's amazing and the perfect thing to be fueling my body with right before my 5k tomorrow... what can I say I'm all about healthy choices.
Until next time Pioneer Woman, I had such a fabulous day meeting you!!
If you could meet ANYONE who would it be??